Toll Free: (800) 550-BAGS (2247)

Returns Return Policy

If you received your order and are not completely satisfied, you are welcome to return it to our headquarters within 30 days of the ship date for a refund less shipping (if applicable), to the original method of payment. The product purchases must be unopened, and original packaging and invoice must be included. We'll send you an email as soon as your return has been received and processed. This may take 2-3 business days for the refund to post depending on the card issuing bank. Please include the original packing slip, the order reference number and your email address with your return. If you do not have this information, we're here to help! You can email United Bags's amazing customer service at at: 1-800-550-BAGS(2247) (M-F 8am-5pm CST).

Exclusions: ALL Sandbag Sales are Final.




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